our first yaki Picture! |
My Handsome moment! |
They say love doesn’t need to be perfect; it just needs to be true! I
may not be perfect person but I admit I am good looking (suya mo?!!). I may not
be a prince that could promise her a fairy tale love story that she ask for,
but I can make her a princess.
When im Effin Drunk!! |
In life being in a relationship is like being in a battlefield, not
because of the fights that you have but on how both of you fight together the
test of time, on how both of you can deal with the challenges that might came ,
on how you can accept and love the differences of each other.
Drunk !!! |
For me this are challenges and differences that could get to know more
about the person and you love for that person grow stronger more and more each
day every time both of you are challenged. The differences of both of you
makes you feel excited to figure out what life has more to offer and in making
your dreams in a reality with her.
When im With Her!!
This is what I’m feeling
right now, even at this longest time that we've been together. I’m maybe a
happy go lucky person, looking for fun and drinks (and I’m a smoker. LOL),
admiring different girls before but when she came out into the blue (Reyzel
Mary Gayle Fausto). I never thought that I would truly deeply in love with her.
I thought that word “love” is a game I can play with her but everything turned
out to be so romantic. I realized that everything that I want for her is to
stay with me. My girl gayle is unintentionally sweet that mend my heart. She’s
weak yet strong to handle and care for me even at my worst, even there are
times that I run out of patience because of her childish attitude it keeps me
from loving her more and maybe this blog is so gay but having her as my girl is
like bigger than the twilight love affair of the year. I may feel like a slumdog
millionaire today and tomorrow but once I loved a person I will never be shame
of what I feel despite my image of being a bad boy (Char!!!)
Go babe 13months down
and infinity to go!!!!!